Is this for me?
Is this for me?
The charism and spirit of the Daughters of Charity is one of service to those who live in poverty and in greatest need. This charism is a gift given by God to St. Vincent de Paul, St. Louise de Marillac, and all the Daughters of Charity who have followed them in their mission.
Our charism defines both who we are and how we live and work every day. As Daughters of Charity, we are called to a life of service. Our relationship with God is at the heart of our calling, and through life in community, we support one another in fulfilling our common mission.
Discerning your own calling takes time and requires a deep understanding of who you are, and what matters most in your life. Establishing a prayer life and listening to God can bring clarity.
As you search for what God wants you to do with your life, it is important to remember that God’s goal is the same as yours- your happiness.
First, take the time to know yourself, your likes and dislikes, your hopes and dreams, abilities and limitations.
Then, accept yourself. Everything about you is equipment God gave you to fulfil a purpose.
Try and develop a life of prayer, learning to listen to the Lord. We have to spend time with God and be willing to wait on God’s answer to clearly know what we are to do.
Deciding whether God is calling you to a life of service may take a while – finding a Spiritual Director or Vocation Guide, (someone to help you listen to God’s invitation) can be helpful during this process.
Want to know more?
You may want to contact our Vocations Director, Sr Theresa Tighe, either by phone or email and discuss your questions with her.
Sister Theresa Tighe DC
Provincial House
The Ridgeway
Mill Hill
Tel. 02080906 3777